40 Ucapan Happy Birthday untuk Sahabat, Pacar, dan Keluarga

- Senin, 31 Mei 2021 | 20:51 WIB
Ucapan happy birthday (photo/unsplash/@snight)
Ucapan happy birthday (photo/unsplash/@snight)

Merayakan momen pertambahan usia, tak lengkap tanpa memberikan ucapan happy birthday untuk menyatakan selamat ulang tahun.

Ucapan ulang tahun bahasa Inggris dinilai lebih universal dan bisa dimengerti oleh seluruh warga di penjuru dunia.

Ucapan happy birthday bahasa Inggris juga cocok ditulis pada kartu ucapan dan dibagikan lewat media sosial.

Tak perlu bingung, karena Indozone sudah merangkum deretan ucapan happy birthday untuk sahabat, pacar, dan keluarga.

Ucapan Happy Birthday Singkat Bermakna

Ucapan happy birthday (photo/unsplash/@snight)

Bila kamu ingin memberikan ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa Inggris, ucapan happy birthday yang singkat dan bermakna di bawah ini bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat.

"Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Enjoy the trip!"

"Forget the past. Look forward to the future, for the best things which are going to come. Happy birthday to you."

"Forget how long you live but see how much you have accomplished. Happy birthday!"

"You are a special person, may you have an amazing today and year! Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday! May this day always be a special one to remember."

"May your birthday be filled with sunshine, smiles, laughter, love, and cheer. Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday! I personally hope, you will get an achievement that you've never imagined before."

"I hope that your special day is full of everything that you want. Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday! I hope it will be the beginning of a wonderful year for you.


Editor: Administrator



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